Unfortunately, during these times we’ve been sidelined from playing golf until this is all over.  If you’re like many of us, you can’t wait for the day you are teeing off again, driver in hand, ready to launch the ball as far as you can… (even if it’s a slice ha!)

The problem is playing golf with an aging body that’s been inactive for some time is a painful injury just waiting to happen.  The last thing anyone wants is to finally get back out there on a Hole 1 and feel our back go out on the first or second practice swing.

To help golfers avoid getting caught unprepared, a TPI Certified Doctor from Houston, Tx has designed a 28 day at-home program to help golfers return to golf safely & powerfully without risking painful injury.

28 Days To Your Most Safe & Powerful Golf Swing Yet – Even If You Haven’t Played Golf In Days, Weeks, or Months…

In this program you will get access to a variety of exercises & dynamic stretches to help increase your mobility, core strength, stability/balance, and most importantly. . . functional flexibility so that you’ll have the ability to move through all planes of motion or direction while maintaining safe muscular control.

This increased flexibility & mobility will help you to…

  • Reduce or even eliminate pain in your back, hips & shoulders so that you can play more often and not be bed ridden for a few days due to soreness & pain in your muscles after each round of golf.
  • Minimize your risk of injury by making sure the areas most prone to injury (the back, hamstrings, shoulders, and neck) are flexible and have the range of motion required to swing the club at full force…
  • Strengthen your core for more turn on your backswing and a few more yards to your drives…
  • Increase balance to be able to play on courses with lots of elevation changes without impairing your score due to not being able to stay upright on the side hills.

Plus, the added benefit of…

  • Improving everyday life outside of golf.  The ability to continue doing & enjoying the things you like.  Perhaps this is keeping up with a grandchild, fishing, hunting, barbecuing with friends & family (aka: having to move and pick things up with ease).
  • Being ready & prepared for unexpected emergencies.  Whether that’s helping someone get off the floor from a fall or having to come to the aid of a friend, family member, or even yourself where being functionally fit would come in handy.

Additionally, all the 15-20 minute golf-specific routines found in this 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up…

Can be done at your own pace.

You can do them at-home or on the go while traveling.

No gym, no equipment, and no weight lifting required.

Also, works well for both men & women.

Every day, you get a set of exercise & stretch VIDEO demonstrations with accompanying downloadable & printable PDF files with clear step-by-step instructions on how to do each exercise or stretch properly.

The program is easy to do, easy to follow, and easy to access via your computer, tablet, or mobile device.

Who is the 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up ideal for?

This program is designed to help golfers in their 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s+.  At these ages it’s more important than ever to make sure we protect our bodies and keep them in golf shape to continue playing for many years to come.

This program is for you IF…

  • You’re frustrated that your current fitness & flexibility is ruining your ability to reach your potential as a golfer.
  • If you have specific back, hip, hamstring, or shoulder issues that you’d like to get relief for.
  • You want to be ready for when you’re finally able to play golf again.
  • You’re currently stuck at home and away from your health club and would like more routines to do at home for your body and your golf game.
  • You’re done with feeling weak during your round.
  • You’re tired of hurting after every round or even after a few hours of working outside in the yard.
  • You want to feel flexible & comfortable swinging the golf club.
  • You want to gain distance, accuracy, and build a repeatable low maintenance golf swing.
  • Your game has deteriorated over the past 10 years or more, you’ve lost 30-40 yards off the tee, 1-2 clubs off the fairway, and you’d like to regain flexibility & mobility to generate the swing speed required to get your game back!

What Golfers Are Saying…

“Not even halfway through it when I started to feel a heck of a lot better and my hips are feeling 100% since then!

“I had been golfing a lot and kind of changed my swing with the pro that I work with.  I was working on something and somehow I injured my hip real bad. I mean I couldn’t sleep at night, it was that bad.

Your ad popped up on my feed talking about hip injuries or something like that.

And that’s how I found this program.

I worked my way through the advertisement but I didn’t do anything.

Then a couple days later after thinking about it, in fact, I couldn’t even sleep at night because I was in such pain, the ad came up again so I jumped on it.

I went through the program real slowly.

And it was like not even halfway through it when I started to feel a heck of a lot better and my hips are feeling 100% since then!

I’m getting old, I’m 60 years old but I’m in pretty good decent shape.  190 lbs and 6ft tall but just not doing a lot of exercising anymore.

Started doing that routine and it definitely helped with my hip.

I was worried because I have friends my age getting hip replacements and I thought, let me just try this stretching.

I was so religious about doing this every morning that my wife (she doesn’t golf) started doing some of the stuff with me and it’s now part of our morning routine!” – Ed LoCricchio (Age 60)

Ok, I’m ready! Skip to the details.

“I’ve been hitting 250+ yard drives in the air. I’m reaching par fives in two and hitting the greens on shorter par fours from the tee box.”

“I finished Day 19 of the Tune-Up today. 

This is an excellent program. 

I played golf in high school and college in the mid to late 1970s. Over the years since then I have played maybe once or twice a year. 

In 2018 we bought a house on a golf course so I decided to start playing more. I was doing okay but wasn’t getting the distance I wanted and I was hurting when I got home.

I knew I could work on slowing down my swing but I’m only 59 years old and didn’t want to go that route yet. I also didn’t want to go to the short swing that older players often use. 

Your program is helping my game by loosening me up. I can now reach back farther in my backswing, thus getting more distance. 

Just within the past week, I’ve been hitting 250+ yard drives in the air. I’m reaching par fives in two and hitting the greens on shorter par fours from the tee box. I still need to work on my accuracy and I need to get used to my irons carrying farther as I am having trouble with flying greens with clubs that I used to use. I’m easily a club better now, using, for example, an 8 when I used to use a 7. 

Thanks for putting this together, Ben. As you said would happen, yesterday my golfing buddies were shaking their heads in disbelief. – Mike Gifford

Ok, I’m ready! Skip to the details.

I’m not taking Advil anymore and this is for the first time in 10 years!

“I’m 63 now. 

I worked construction all my life and up until last year, due to numerous sprains and carrying tool bags, bone on bone, early arthritis etc, my ankle used to be just frozen straight forward. 

I played golf for a long time and I just kind of got used to it. 

Then one day at a tournament, the guy I was playing with started talking about Ben Hogan, and he starts showing me a couple things and I started using my hips more. 

I noticed my ankle hurt a little bit less and that’s when I found your program.

And I’ve been doing it ever since and my ankle totally works now.

It still hurts a little bit, but I’m not taking Advil anymore and this is for the first time in 10 years!

And it’s all the mobility stuff. 

I mean, I kind of semi-retired about 9 years ago and I worked with a trainer and I got all buff and muscles and stuff like that. 

But the trainer being a younger guy, he never talked about mobility. 

I never really got it until I read this page one time and thought, this makes sense. 

I’m going to try this. 

Everything works so much better now. 

What was kind of cool about the 28 day program was that at first there were things that I couldn’t do, and by the end of that 28 days, I could do 12 of. 

You know, like those crazy planks where you reach around and go under and stuff. 

I couldn’t. 

I could maybe do one when I started because it was just a whole different action and I was just all stiff. 

And in 28 days I saw a big difference. 

I still go to the gym almost every day, but two days a week are strictly mobility. 

I know it works and I know I have to do it. 

You know, it’s just one of those things that I put in my program. 

I still work part time, but I’m really big on keeping myself in shape. 

Why would I not do something that works? 

I could use my hips now like I never could before.

At first, my hip flexors hurt like crazy from playing golf. 

But it was doing the stretches that got to where that doesn’t hurt anymore.

I just wanted to let you know my story and how much you’ve helped me. 

I’ve recommended you to a lot of people.” – Tom Rhoads (Age 63)

Ok, I’m ready! Skip to the details.

“I could get about 6 inches from the floor when I started out and… Now I can put my knuckles on the floor!

“I recently retired about a year ago, I’m 70 now, and in my younger days I was a low single digit handicap. 

I could play a pretty decent game of golf, but… 

You know, from the time I hit 60, the last ten years… 

My flexibility was gone. 

I could see my distance decreasing off the tee. 

I was playing a completely different game. 

A lot of it had to do with the fact that I just couldn’t make the turn like I used to and I didn’t have the strength that I used to have.

I was sitting behind a desk for a long time. 

So I thought I’d give your program a try. 

And I did that after looking at a lot of stuff on Youtube and saying…ok I can figure this out myself. 

But I looked at the program and it looked pretty good to me, it’s a reasonable price, I’ll give it a try. 

There was one exercise, the one about touching your toes… 

I could get about 6 inches from the floor when I started out and… 

Now I can put my knuckles on the floor!

I’ve added a good 5 ½ to 6 inches on just being able to bend forward. 

There’s a few things that I have a hard time with. 

I can do the planks, but the planks with the side rotation, I’ve modified that and do it on an incline, because for me it’s a bit tough — I’m 6’1” and 235 lbs. 

But you know, I like the way the exercise progression is from day to day. 

Second time around, I’m doing two and three sets of things instead of one. 

I would say after the first 3 or 4 weeks, I probably picked up 7-10 yards off the tee and not a full club with my irons but almost a full club. 

I’m able to turn better.

And I’m also doing a little bit of weight training along with it, but I think it’s a really good program. Especially for an older guy like me. 

It’s easy to do. 

My country club is across the street from where I live. 

I go over there every morning and roll out one of those little mats and get a couple of towels and get in front of the mirror so I can keep track of my form and everything… and I’m enjoying it! 

I think I’ll just keep doing it 28 days at a time. 

Once you get into the routine, you enjoy it. 

I’m having fun with it, I’ve recommended it to two or three people at my club, because they’ve noticed.

I play golf with them and they say… you’re hitting the ball a little farther… or… I haven’t seen you hit it like that in a long time.

I’m working really hard on my flexibility. 

I feel like my core has improved. 

Truth is, I still have a long way to go, sitting in a chair makes the connection between your lower & upper body stiffen up. 

I’m sold on the program and recommend it to anybody. 

You know, younger guys don’t have the same type of problems, but when you get to 55-60 and like I said I’m 70 now… you can get it back. 

I’m in pretty good shape for a guy, 70. I’ve always been athletic, my father was a scratch golfer so I learned how to play golf when I was 7 or 8 years old. 

So I’ve always been athletic, but as you get older and you get a job… 

You see, I had a job where I was travelling a lot and you just kind of lose track of the fact that your strength and your flexibility slips away a little quicker than you think…but you can get it back. 

I’ll be able to get to about 90% of the way I was when I was in my early 50s. 

I appreciate you putting this together. 

I like the way the workouts are. 

I don’t have any complaints about it (other than some exercises are a little tough) but the second time around they’re a little bit easier. 

Modifying the a bit helps, but you know, it’s been all good. 

Anything I can do to help promote it for ya, I’m more than happy to do that because I’m enjoying it, I believe in it… and truth is… 

It’s worked for me and I expect it to continue to improve me. 

Once again, thanks for the program. It’s been really beneficial for me.” – Daniel Howle (Age 70)

Who’s Behind The 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up?

Benjamin Arnold, M.D. graduate of University of Texas Medical Branch – TPI Certified Professional Level One & TPI Certified Medical 2

His name is Benjamin Arnold, MD. He’s a licensed physician, and received his MD from the University of Texas Medical Branch… 

He’s also a passionate golfer. 

Has been playing ever since he turned 5, when his dad and grandfather would take him out on the course. 

Last of all, and perhaps most important, He’s a TPI-certified professional, certified in both Level One and TPI Medical 2.

Now, if you pay any attention to the world of golf, you’ll know TPI – the Titleist Performance Institute – is the gold standard when it comes to golf fitness instruction. 

Butch Harmon put it best when he said: “If you’re in the business of coaching, physically training or medically evaluating golfers, TPI Certification should be mandatory.” 

In fact, players advised by a TPI certified expert have: 

Won 13 of the last 16 major championships… 

Won 43 of the last 53 PGA Tour Events… 

And include 25 of the top 35 players in the world.

The expertise gained through TPI, along with his own medical background, has allowed him to help players of all ages and abilities – including many up in their 60s, 70s, and 80s – to reclaim their fitness, while safely adding power to their swings and yards to their drives.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive access to Day 1 through 28 of the program.  Each day’s lesson is yours to keep and refer back to whenever you want. If you miss a day or are too busy to get into your account one day, those videos will still be in your account for whenever you are ready to view them again.

Free Gift

As a free gift, when you sign up for the 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up program today, you will also receive access to the 28 day flat belly golfer challenge.  It will provide you with specific daily action steps to ease your way to living a healthier lifestyle.  

You’ll learn which foods to eat to increase energy & vitality, boost strength & stamina, improve motivation and focus, shed some unwanted pounds and keep them off while still eating foods that you enjoy, and which foods to avoid that sap energy and go directly to our waistline.  

This bonus challenge is great for anyone with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or other health issues who would like to take back control of their health…  to out-think, out-play, and out-last your competition.

With the combination of exercises & stretches and this free gift you’ll experience huge benefits for your mind, your body, and your game.

Get Started Now

We are offering this program with the option of getting 60% off or getting started for as low as $33. No matter how much you pay, you’ll be getting the same program as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the program with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?

Choose your preferred option below…

$198 (normal price)

$79 (optional 60% off)

Just $33 today (then 2 additional payments of $33 starting in 31 days)

*This is the total amount for the entire 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up program.

Have Questions? Email support@golfbodyrx.com

Does This Really Work?  Here’s more proof…

Jim Higginbottom’s Story (Age 68)

Jim Higginbottom said he gave it a shot because he wasn’t getting much turn on his backswing. He had lost flexibility, but after only 2 days of doing one of the exercises he said he noticed he was getting more turn and after only 10 days he was playing better. See his comment below…

Ned E.’s Story (Age 62)

“First of all I’m 62 years old, with both hips replaced (2002 and 2008) coming off a spinal stenosis surgery last Halloween. I spent 6 weeks standing, walking and laying down. Then 12 weeks getting my strength and flexibility back. I felt great but I couldn’t hit the ball. One evening I was playing 9 at my club a guy walked up and asked if he could join me. It turns out he is a physical therapist and he is also TPI certified therapist. With his introduction I started looking online and found your program. It took a few weeks to get my game back in order. I played and walked 18 with a push cart in an event this weekend and shot 87/84. I am not back to single digit handicap yet, but I am getting through my swing with more speed and hitting the ball much more flush. Improving!”

Eric Orman’s Story (Age 50)

Eric Orman said his golf buddies are noticing that his drives are going farther and he thinks he’s gained 28-30 yards in just the first 15 days. 

See below…

Stephen Chappell’s Story

Look at what Stephen had to say…

Tom Rhoads’ Story

“I started last week and can’t believe the progress I achieved in a so short time! I’ve lifted weights seriously for 8 years but never considered mobility training and how not having it caused my golf swing to suffer”

Here’s another one where he says he’s going to do this stuff forever…

Jon B’s Story

Jon says the best part is “no more back pain!”

Rick H’s Story

“Caught up with a friend after not playing together for one year. When we went to play he was literally hitting drives 50, 60, 70 yards past us. His success comes from the 28 days. Sign me up!” – Rick H.

Ok, I’m ready! Get started now.

David D’s Story

“Lost 10 pounds and increased flexibility. Looking forward to hitting the driving range soon. Been swinging the club in the yard. Feels good so far.” – David D.

Doctor Juan P. Cata’s Story from Houston TX

“As a fellow doctor and colleague of Ben, I watched him transform before my eyes. You could say I was both curious and suspicious. Curious, because I wasn’t as healthy as I wanted to be and suspicious because well… let’s just say I’ve seen enough fad diets and workouts to fill a library! 

One day I pulled Ben aside and asked some pointed questions. Don’t let his gentle demeanor and quiet voice fool you — he’s rock solid in his convictions about diet and human physiology. 

But of course, they’re not “his” convictions… everything he’s ever recommended to me was born out of deep research. 

So I took the plunge. I started with his diet and training tips. And you know what happened? 

I lost 30 lbs! 

I also doubled my energy (at least!), grew to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, and stopped snoring completely. 

What’s been the most surprising thing is how easy it is to manage this lifestyle. See, if you would’ve told me three years ago about all the changes I’d make, I’d have thought you were nuts! But I’ve been living the “Benjamin Arnold” way ever since and it truly feels like the good life.” — Juan P. Cata MD — Houston, TX

Get Started Now

Remember, we are offering this program with the option of getting 60% off or getting started for as low as $33. No matter how much you pay, you’ll be getting the same program as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the program with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?

Choose your preferred option below…

$198 (normal price)

$79 (optional 60% off)

Just $33 today (then 2 additional payments of $33 starting in 31 days)

*This is the total amount for the entire 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up program.

Have Questions? Email support@golfbodyrx.com

Who Doesn’t Love A Fun Bet… Or Three?

Dr. Benjamin Arnold will bet you 3 things…

When you’re finally able to get back out on the course, if you follow the 28 days as described…

Bet #1 – He bets that you’ll see at least a 13mph increase in club head speed and several yards increase in driving distance.

Bet #2 – Someone will take notice of your newfound distance and make a comment about how far you are bombing your drives.  You can share your secret if you’d like… up to you. Just be prepared if your playing partners get a little “peanut butter and jealous” as you consistently crush your drives well past theirs!

Bet #3 – You’ll feel the ball just launch off the club-face.  It will rocket down the fairway like never before. That’s the best feeling ever.  Watch the look on your playing partner’s face.

If none of that happens, you can cancel your order by sending an email to support@golfbodyrx.com.  You’ll get every penny back on the spot and you’ll keep all the downloadable exercise, stretching guides, and swing speed drill PDFs as our penalty for losing the bets.

This way there is no risk on your end as we’re taking on all the risk for you.  We think you’ll be thrilled with the results you get and you’re going to feel like this is the best decision you’ve made this year!

Get Started Now

Remember, we are offering this program with the option of getting 60% off or getting started for as low as $33. No matter how much you pay, you’ll be getting the same program as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the program with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?

Choose your preferred option below…

$198 (normal price)

$79 (optional 60% off)

Just $33 today (then 2 additional payments of $33 starting in 31 days)

*This is the total amount for the entire 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up program.

Have Questions? Email support@golfbodyrx.com