1 Morning Juice Recipe For A Quick Energy Boost

When your energy is low, you might instinctively reach for a cup of coffee or a handful of candy to provide a quick boost. The desire to reach for caffeine, chips, or cookies when we want a pick-me-up is understandable. But too much caffeine can deliver the opposite of a jolt. And quickly digesting carbohydrates,…

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How to Cope With Information Overload and Rescue Your Golf Game

Achieving your maximum potential distance has many components and it’s easy to get caught up in the details. What I’m trying to stress is that it’s actually very simple if you stay focused on the fundamentals. Eat real food to maximize your energy. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to improve stamina. Improve Core conditioning and…

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Think Smart to Create a Golfing Schedule that Works

As a keen golfer, the demands on your time can sometimes seem overwhelming. Running businesses, commuting to work, spending time with your family, marketing, filing your tax returns – plenty of things get in the way of hitting the range or keeping up with your practice and workout schedule. I remember when I decided to…

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4 Ways That Golfers Can Deal With Stiff Joints

Flexibility can boost your longevity and distance but increasing it is sometimes easier said than done. Not all golfers can contort themselves into stretches due to stiff joints, so I want to look in a little more detail about how to deal with one of the most common physical restrictions affecting golfers. Stiffness in the…

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How Going Primal Could Rescue Your Golf Game

Eating well is the foundation of health and a solid, powerful golf swing.  Golf and diet are more related than you think. The way you eat has a direct influence on: How much energy you have to practice, workout and play the game of golf How well your muscles react to instructions from your brain…

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