Golf Body Rx Testimonial #3 – Mike Gifford – Loosening Up For More Distance

Golf Body Rx Testimonial #3 – Mike Gifford tells us about his experience with the 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up flexibility routines. “I finished Day 19 of the Tune-Up today. This is an excellent program. I played golf in high school and college in the mid to late 1970s. Over the years since then I…

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What Do Savvy Golfers Do When They Experience Acute Lower Back Pain?

Most acute low back pain results from injury to the muscles, ligaments, joints, or discs. The body also reacts to injury by mobilizing an inflammatory healing response. And while inflammation may sound minor, it may go beyond nagging pain and can cause distinct “cancel my tee time” pain. Have a conversation with almost any golfer…

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Golf Body Rx Testimonial #2 – Daniel Howle – Flexibility Training For More Distance

“I recently retired about a year ago, I’m 70 now, and in my younger days I was a low single digit handicap. I could play a pretty decent game of golf, but… You know, from the time I hit 60, the last ten years… My flexibility was gone. I could see my distance decreasing off…

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Golf Body Rx Testimonial #1 – Tom Rhoads – Mobility Training To Unlock Hips

Tom: Hello? Ben: Hey, good morning, Tom. This is Ben Arnold. Tom: Hi, Ben. Ben: How are you doing today? Tom: How are you? Ben: I’m doing great, thank you. Tom: I’m doing just fine. Ben: Well, it’s good to hear from you. Tom: 9:00, [crosstalk 00:00:15] oh, all right, sorry, 11:00 central. Ben: 11…

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Turn Your Golf Game Around by Changing the Way You Live

There are two things every golfer wants. Firstly, every golfer wants to hit the ball further. That’s universal. Secondly, when they look into the future, they want to be able to enjoy the game for as long as possible. However, I’ve seen so many golfers of all ages struggling to improve their distance. As they…

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