Continue the Momentum You’ve Established with 28 Days to 28 Years and find out how this new program…

Turns Golf Fitness and Flexibility Into an Automatic Lifelong Habit

As you know, the benefits of golf fitness include…

1 – Limbering up for a more fluid golf swing.

2 – Reducing or even eliminating your pain (keep reading to see the proof)…

3 – Enjoying the game more for many years to come.

But one of the biggest barriers to long-term results is boredom.

The routines are proven to work, but even the most dedicated need to change it up.

In addition, your body adapts to any routine over time.

Results slow or even completely stop.

The good news is that there’s a way to keep ‘tricking’ your body, improving your flexibility, and reducing your chance of injury…

Multiply your results and bring greater joy to your sessions with new routines every week.

To make sure you never lose the momentum or the results you’ve worked hard for, I’ve put together a new membership called Golf Body Rx Academy.

As a member, each Sunday you receive new fitness routines for that week…

Complete with VIDEO demonstration for each exercise or stretch, exact sets & reps, & what sequence to do them in.

Do them each day as indicated for that week. Get results you can SEE & FEEL on and off the course… period.

How Is It Different?

The Golf Body Rx Academy routines vary the exercises & stretches performed so that you don’t get bored with any one routine…

…and they are designed to work on the specific muscles necessary for a fast, fluid, and powerful swing.

When done every week, these routines will maintain & improve upon the results you will have worked hard to achieve with the initial 28 Day Golf Body Tune-Up program.

No sense in doing all that work to then go and lose your newfound flexibility due to falling out of the habit of doing the workouts.

These NEW shorter routines will help with maintaining continuity with your workouts each week…

…and soon becomes an automatic habit so you no longer have to THINK about doing the workouts. They just happen on a predictable basis like clockwork.

What Do Golf Body Rx Customers Have To Say About The GBRx Academy?

“Now… I can finish a round of golf at 60 years old and feel great!”

“Now, I’m onto the next level of it and I’m doing the stretches on a regular basis and I can finish a round of golf at 60 years old and feel great!

My game has improved. I went from probably about 16 or 17 and last time between 9 and 12 depending on the day.

This does a great job of getting me something. I’m running every day, on the treadmill every day, and doing some other stuff anyway but this helps me stretch out and stay good and limber and flexible. That’s what I like about it.

You know, there’s two things that golfers want. They want to play better and they want to go home pain-free and your program accomplished both of those for me.

My drive now goes about 260-280, so that’s not too bad for an old guy!” – Mike Gifford (Age 60)

Get Started Today For Only $4.95!

Right now, you can get access to 4 weeks of golf-specific flexibility, mobility, stability, balance & core strength routines for only $4.95!

You can do them at home, outside, or in a hotel room while traveling.

There’s no gym, no equipment, and no weight lifting required.

Just simple, straight forward , easy to follow, step-by-step, “here’s what you gotta do” instructions.

And you can get started today for just $4.95!

Don’t decide today. See & feel the RESULTS over the next 30 days. Then, if you decide to continue, your GBRx Academy Membership is only $19.95/mo.

That’s less than 67 cents a day for ongoing flexibility, strength, and reduced chance of injuries.

There are no commitments, no obligations, and you can cancel at anytime by sending a quick email to

PLUS, we have a 30 day money back guarantee just in case you find that these routines are not for you.

To get started simply click the button below now…

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Questions? or Need Help? Email us at

Who’s Designing The Fitness Routines For You?

Benjamin Arnold, M.D. graduate of University of Texas Medical Branch – TPI Certified Professional Level One & TPI Certified Medical 2

Hi, my name is Benjamin Arnold, MD. I’m a licensed physician, and received my MD from the University of Texas Medical Branch…

I’m also a passionate golfer.

I’ve been playing ever since I turned 5, when my dad and grandfather would take me out on the course.

Last of all, and perhaps most important, I’m a TPI-certified professional, certified in both Level One and TPI Medical 2.

Now, if you pay any attention to the world of golf, you’ll know TPI – the Titleist Performance Institute – is the gold standard when it comes to golf fitness instruction.

Butch Harmon put it best when he said: “If you’re in the business of coaching, physically training or medically evaluating golfers, TPI Certification should be mandatory.”

In fact, players advised by a TPI certified expert have:

Won 13 of the last 16 major championships…

Won 43 of the last 53 PGA Tour Events…

And include 25 of the top 35 players in the world.

The expertise I gained through TPI, along with my own medical background, has allowed me to help players of all ages and abilities – including many up in their 60s, 70s, and 80s – to reclaim their fitness, while adding power to their swings and yards to their drives.