Achieving your maximum potential distance has many components and it’s easy to get caught up in the details.
What I’m trying to stress is that it’s actually very simple if you stay focused on the fundamentals.
- Eat real food to maximize your energy.
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to improve stamina.
- Improve Core conditioning and flexibility, creating the conditions for…
- Practice and technical improvements that deliver massive distance gains.
That’s it in a nutshell. I’ve found that adopting that approach simplified my challenges and helped to focus my body and mind on a pathway to improvement. And believe me, it worked.
My question to you is, have you taken action to simplify your lifestyle and golf game?
Take a Detox From Information Overload
One of the things that makes golf unique among sports is the role that information plays. If you search on YouTube for instructional videos about distance, ball striking or curing over-the-top moves, you will be flooded with suggestions.
If you are a golfing obsessive, the chances are you’ve listened to the most popular online coaches. But did it do any good?
Some people are great at understanding technical advice and taking on board information that will help their game. If that sounds like you, congratulations. If not, you’re one of the vast majority who can’t help watching instructional videos, but struggle to put their content into practice.
That’s not surprising. The web is like the Wild West, with contradictory advice flying like bullets across the OK Corral.
What golfers really need is simplicity. Diet, flexibility and a strong core are the foundation for everything else in the game of golf. If you focus on those things, you can start to add technical ideas later on.
Everything Depends on Lifestyle Changes
After changing my lifestyle, I’ve come to a conclusion about golf – the less information, the better.
Before I adopted the Primal lifestyle and shifted my focus to my core muscles and flexibility, I absorbed hours of technical videos. But the problem wasn’t technical. It was mental and physical.
The way I ate and lived had ruined my body, leaving me out of shape. It didn’t matter how well I followed technical advice. If my body wasn’t capable of applying it, what was the point?
When I lost 30 lbs, increased my HIIT workouts, cut out non-Primal foods and developed my core, suddenly things changed. Now, I could apply technical changes more easily.
Beforehand, I was running before I could walk. I was drowning in information, without the ability to swim.
Break Your Game Down and Build From There
Does my experience apply to you? I think there’s a high probability that it does.
If you are the kind of golfer who heads to the range, determined to put an obscure piece of coaching advice into practice, and then finds that it has no effect whatsoever, simplification should be your watchword.
Your mind is probably full of golfing terms and concepts, but what good do they do? They may be counterproductive if the real reasons for poor distance and high scores lie in your diet and physical condition.
By spending too many hours thrashing balls at the range, you could actually be harming your body as well.
That’s why I think it’s fine to take a step back and reassess. With a few simple lifestyle changes you can prime your body to hit the ball properly, improve your mobility and your stamina – all without damaging your body.
To me, that meant focusing on the Primal diet, HIIT exercise and core strengthening workouts. They all deliver improvements on there own, but in combination the results will blow you away. And the best part is they can work for almost anyone.
You just need to start thinking holistically. Instead of focusing your energy on crushing a ball, divide it between eating well, working out, stretching and practice. You’ll find that longer distances result.