
Congratulations on purchasing the custom plan!

I will be in touch (via the email you provided in the order form) to let you know what the next steps are.

If you happen to miss my email or don’t see it arrive in your inbox within a few hours, then simply email and I will re-send the email.

Thank you for your purchase!

Second — Optional Yet Useful Resources For Golfers…

Better than Morphine For Joint Pain…Yet Safer Than Aspirin?
Click here to see an important message for golfers with joint pain & inflammation. (opens in new tab)

Sick of your slice? Try this today. (opens in new tab)

Taking Collagen for anti-aging benefits? You’ll want to read the truth about it here. (opens in new tab)


Could you do me a quick favor and complete the following sentence?

“I bought the Custom Plan today because…

    For any other comments, questions, or suggestions please email