
Congratulations on joining the Golf Body Rx Academy!

The weekly emails containing the routine of the week will start the first Sunday after your purchase and you will receive a routine every Sunday from then on.

Second — Optional Yet Useful Resources For Golfers…

a. 👀 Never look at a 3-wood the same

Traditional 3-woods are built for tour pros, not amateurs.

But some of the best players in the world ditched their 3-wood for something far more forgiving and versatile.


More launch, more accuracy, more distance, more forgiveness with your fairway wood…

Leads to more confidence and lower scores.

This special video shows you how you hit high launching, soft landing, and controlled shots with your 3-wood from ANY lie…

>>> Never look at your 3-wood the same

Chris Swartz, 15 handicap says… “My height, distance, and control are unmatched by anything I have ever used.”

b. New MGS golf training mat!

If you’ve never used a golf training mat before, you’re really missing out.

All you need to do is take a swing and the mat will give you instant feedback. You’ll see clearly if you’re making contact with the toe or heel… If you’re making left-to-right or right-to-left contact… Or whether you’re taking a divot too early or too late.

Golfing training mats are an excellent way to improve your swing at home.

Click to get your MGS golf training mat (at 75% off while supplies last) →

c. Use This Rangefinder To Become Deadly Accurate With Your Irons & Wedges And Get A Huge Advantage Over Your Playing Partners

MGS has just released their new powerful Gen 3 & Elite Eagle Eye Rangefinder W/ Slope and Pin Sensor Technology, measuring up to 1000 yards!

And you can get yours today, at a huge 55% off discount!

This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to lower your scores, and become devastatingly precise with your irons.

Using a Rangefinder allows you to know the exact distance from the pin…

So you can always choose the right club, and get onto the green much easier, setting up easy putts for birdie and par.

What makes the MGS Rangefinder so special, is that it uses cutting edge “Slope Technology”…

Which makes this rangefinder significantly more accurate than other brands.

By taking the slope of the golf course into account, you’ll get a much more accurate read…

Giving you a huge advantage over your playing partners.

Click here to claim your 55% off discount on the brand new MGS Rangefinder


Could you do me a quick favor and complete the following sentence?

“I joined the Golf Body Rx Academy today because…

    For any other comments, questions, or suggestions please email