To improve balance and increase our ability to separate the lower from the upper body, I recommend Helicopter Turns. This allows for a proper sequence on the downswing. Click play below to watch the video.

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Proper pelvic rotation allows golfers to rotate the lower body independently from the upper body.

This is an important skill for properly sequencing the downswing and generating a good separation between the upper and lower body giving golfers a more powerful and consistent swing.

This movement requires good mobility of the spine, hips and pelvis, along with simultaneous stability of the thorax.

To improve balance and increase our ability to separate the lower from the upper body, I recommend Helicopter Turns. This allows for a proper sequence on the downswing.

1 – Start by lifting the arms out to the side, and go into a lunge with the right leg.

2 – Keep the knee above the foot.

3 – In the lunge, rotate the upper body while keeping the head neutral and looking forward.

4 – Make the movement less or more difficult by either spreading or narrowing the stance respectively.

Shoot for 10 reps on each side of the body.

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